What Exactly is an A1C Number and What Does it Mean for You?

What Exactly is an A1C Number and What Does it Mean for You?

Hemoglobin, a protein that links up with sugars such as glucose, is found inside red blood cells. Its job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. Glucose enters your red blood cells and links up (or glycates) with molecules of hemoglobin.

Liver: Love It or Hate It

Liver: Love It or Hate It

I explained that pate is the easiest, most decadent thing to make – kinda like a cheesecake – and I ran down the procedure for him in 15 seconds. Next thing I knew I was texting him a shopping list and I was on deck to make the curried pate for dinner. Pate twice in one day and a new friend who will eat it. What luck!

Pictorial: Cooking at the Saturday Morning Market

Pictorial: Cooking at the Saturday Morning Market

As a registered dietitian nutritionist and amateur salesperson it's taken several years to figure out what works and what doesn't as a Taste Cart volunteer and St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market vendor. Below is a pictorial on the joys of cooking for a crowd and talking nutrition.

Meet Charles*: The Face of the St. Petersburg Food Desert

Meet Charles*: The Face of the St. Petersburg Food Desert

I was at the Enoch Davis Center learning about youth farming, volunteer time banking, sustainable agriculture and a lot of other interesting things people in my City are fired up about but if was Charles’ story that made the most impact.

Old Navy Check-Out Lanes: Why the Snacks?

Old Navy Check-Out Lanes: Why the Snacks?

Next time you are in Old Navy, Office Depot, Dick’s Sporting Goods or Home Depot ask yourself, “Why am I being encouraged to eat at a store that has nothing to do with food?”

How to Get that Onion Smell Off Your Hands

How to Get that Onion Smell Off Your Hands

While an onion begins many meals in almost every cuisine, the onion, and the entire Allium family, (which includes leeks, shallots, garlic and chives) contains a redolent juice than lingers longer on the fingers (and cutting board) than it does on the tongue.

Get Your Mise En Tip# 1 - Cutting Board Stays Out

Get Your Mise En Tip# 1 - Cutting Board Stays Out

Want to work faster in your kitchen?  Leave your cutting board out on the counter.
The year was 1997 and I had just moved into my sweet little Beach Drive apartment in downtown St. Petersburg.  The previous tenant left behind this big butcher block that measured about 1-foot by 2 feet. It was lovely. It was useful. It was damn heavy.

A Little Goes a Long Way: Homemade Salad Dressings

A Little Goes a Long Way: Homemade Salad Dressings

The true beauty of homemade salad dressings is that they are so full of flavor that you tend to use less of them. And, ultimately, using less of any food means fewer calories. That’s good if you are trying to consume less overall to maintain or lose weight. I am often looking for ways to decrease my input so dressing my salads with these makes sense.


11 Tips for Working Faster in the Home Kitchen

11 Tips for Working Faster in the Home Kitchen

Here are the 11 tips I teach during an hour-long presentation about working faster in your kitchen. These are just the tips and I will flesh out each of these in the future.

Wash. Chop. Cook.

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Wash. Chop. Cook.

When the photo of Julia Child's iconic kitchen popped up in my Facebook newsfeed I saw something that made me grin from ear to ear. While the Internet was buzzing about Julia's pegboard where all her gadgets hung in neat rows my eyes went to one special area of her kitchen: the sink.

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Cooks Don't Cook in Schools


Cooks Don't Cook in Schools

Surprise. Surprise. Cooks don’t cook in public schools anymore. I mean I “knew” this going into an extensive tour of schools but I wasn’t prepared for how little the staff cooks in a school kitchen.
