Stocking your pantry is essential to consume a nutrient-dense, plant majority diet. Here are a few staples to pick up the next time you shop. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
Stocking your pantry is essential to consume a nutrient-dense, plant majority diet. Here are a few staples to pick up the next time you shop. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
You don’t typically think of mixing sweet potatoes with savory spices like chili powder and cumin but it works. Trust me. We made this during our Fall cooking series and it was a hit. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
During this time, hormonal changes can lead to various symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and bone density loss. A balanced diet can help alleviate these symptoms and reduce the risk of certain health issues that may arise during menopause. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
During this time, hormonal changes can lead to various symptoms, such as hot flashes, mood swings, brain fog, tinnitus, joint pain, headaches, muscle pain, dry mouth, itchy eyes, thinning hair, changes to bowel movements, sleep disturbances, weight gain, and bone density loss. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
We use fresh apples with the skins on for increased nutrient-density and fiber. CLICK THE HEADLINE OR PHOTO TO READ MORE
Overall, home cooking empowers individuals to make healthier choices, connect with loved ones, and contribute positively to their overall well-being and that of the environment
So easy and done in 30 minutes. Pre-cooked quinoa or rice makes this weeknight dish possible. I cook my grains on Sunday for the week ahead.
It's important to note that while processed foods can have addictive properties, not everyone who consumes them will develop addictive behaviors. Genetics, environment, individual susceptibility, and other factors play a role in determining the extent to which processed foods might lead to addiction-like behaviors.
Easy weeknight meals happen with a slow cooked pork tenderloin. I like to make tacos with this.
To eat within your values, it's essential to be mindful of the food choices you make and their implications. Reflect on what matters most to you and how your dietary decisions can align with those values. It's also a good idea to educate yourself about various food options, their sourcing, and the potential impact on your health and the environment. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
Added sugar refers to any form of sweetener that is added to food and beverages during processing or preparation. This includes white sugar, brown sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, honey, and various syrups. Unlike the naturally occurring sugars found in fruits and dairy products, added sugars bring little to no nutritional value while contributing to an increased caloric intake. CLICK THE HEADLINE OR PHOTO TO READ MORE
When iron is consumed in a non-heme form (from plant-based sources), the absorption rate is generally lower compared to heme iron (from animal sources). However, vitamin C can enhance the absorption of non-heme iron when consumed together. Vitamin C forms a complex with iron in the stomach, converting it into a more easily absorbable form, thereby improving its bioavailability. CLICK THE PHOTO OR HEADLINE TO READ MORE
For this recipe below you can sub fish or chopped shrimp for the crab. Serve with a salad on the side for a beautiful meal.
You can substitute canned cannellini beans, lentils or black-eyed/field peas, too.
Hearty, flavorful, versatile and vegan. Serve it as a bisque with naan and salad or as a curry with basmati rice or quinoa.
So easy and ready in just 7 minutes with just a few ingredients. This recipe is great to get kids involved in cooking as they love playing with the electronics of the air fryer.
Beautiful, easy and delicious brunch potatoes will impress your guests at your next party or event. Make them in advance as they serve well at room temperature.
High fiber and delicious. Serve with pretzel chips and fresh fruit.
An easy side dish for your Thanksgiving or Christmas meals.
Rich and flavorful, this dressing is great as a vegetable dip, s salad dressing or a sauce for your felafal or bean cakes.